The Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is a simple yet critical form of printed communication, often times used to help doctors, engineers, or patients adhere to processes, compliance guidelines, or safety standards.
In its simplest form, it’s a short 1-2 sided sheet of information. At it’s most complex, it can be a multi-use, clean-room compliant manual or guide easily shared and re-used.

CMC combines our knowledge in the healthcare and medical device manufacturing industry with over 25 years of print experience and capabilities. From basic printing to complex kitting and fulfillment, CMC has the tools and capabilities to ensure a quality and useful end solution.
How a quick reference guide helps improve the medical experience:
- For Doctors and Practitioners as a ‘how to/getting started’ in-office reference
- For communicating clinical scenarios from a strong technical and clinical team
- ‘At a glance’ glossary or appendix to larger supporting documentation or processes
- Simple guide/checklist for healthcare professionals who are responsible for technology management within their organizations
- As preparation for staff and patients to confront the various products that are rapidly finding their way to the market
- For engineers needing to expedite medical equipment designs to market
- For compliance and safety requirements
To find out how you might use a QRG and to explore various options for your business or request a sample QRG, call us at 510.505.1100 or send an email to [email protected]